
Totally against Coq tolls

Re.: Poll: Bring back Coq tolls? (Castanet,Nov. 30)

Well, I will agree with the people who say, no toll on the Coquihalla (Highway).

We all had to put up with that a good number of years ago and, gee, the toll was only supposed to be on it for two years, remember? But 10 years later, it was still there.

And, remember the multi-billion dollar highway project for the Sea to Sky highway that only benefitted Whistler residents? Was a toll put on that highway? Nope. We all paid for that one too.

Like the fella said about the truckers just adding the cost of a toll on our grocery (bills) or anything else we need, we get gouged enough in the Interior already. Just look at what we pay for gasoline. We would watch our already high enough goods’ prices head for the clouds.

So, to government (people) in Victoria–who don't use, or need, the Coquihalla Highway for travel, why don't you take a hike. Maybe you might want to use the tax money charged on every litre of gasoline we buy, which is a "road tax" and is supposed to be used as such. Where does all that money go?

Do I sound ticked off? You better believe it. We, in the Interior, are fed up with how we are treated by a (provincial) government that always seems to want to stick it to us in one way or another.

I hope I have gotten my point across to my fellow Interior residents. Let Victoria know you are fed up with the government always wanting to come up with some way of pulling more money—which many people here just don't have—out of our pockets.

Meanwhile, I wish everyone in the Interior a very, very nice Christmas. Help someone out, or a family, who could really use some help.

(Donate) to something like the Salvation Army kettle campaign as that money stays in the Interior (community) where you donate.

T. Martin

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