
Shop our new Marketplace

Sometimes, you don’t know what you’re looking for until you find it.

That’s why we’ve aded a dynamic new feature to Castanet’s classified section.

Marketplace Live is a constantly updated feed of ads from all sections displayed in an easy to view scroll with large photos.

Shopping for tires? Maybe you’ll come across some patio furniture that catches your eye along the way. Simply click on the image to go straight to the seller’s ad.

Once you’re there, you’ll notice we’ve also improved our messaging system between seller and buyer.

Marketplace Live pulls listings from the more than 60,000 ads in our classifieds section – the largest in the Okanagan.

You’ll want to keep coming back to see what’s new – and you get notifications on items you’re looking for, as well.

You can add items to watchlists and pop open a gallery of available images for any item – all without leaving the main Marketplace page.

You’ll also see an animated flame graphic on “hot items” that are getting lots of attention – your key to get in while the getting is good.

It’s a fast, easy to find what you’re looking for – and a whole lot more!

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